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(Scott Olson/Getty images)

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb really, really, REALLY wants to get himself some ‘hate crimes’ legislation just like them big ‘ole grownup states have.

During a recent public appearance, Holcomb bemoaned that Hoosiers have yet to support the unnecessary legislation, which is heavily endorsed by other pinheaded liberals in the state.

“I just feel dumb,” said Holcomb. “I mean, all the other big and important states have hate crimes legislation. Why not us? I want my hate crimes bill too! Gimmie! I feel like less of a governor without it and it’s beginning to have an impact on my ability to perform in the bedroom.”

Okay, that’s fake news. Holcomb actually said nothing of the sort and the entire above quote was a complete and utter fabrication. Sorry.

Here’s what he really said:

“Currently, we’re not on the list of states that recognize biased crimes in this manner. We can be, we should be. It’s long overdue and so I want to make sure everyone knows I’m going to lend my support and get it across the finish line. Thirty-two–it was close last year, but fell short of the finish line.”

See? The quote we made up was much more interesting.

The Chicks on the Right explained why Holcomb is wrong during today’s edition of Speedround: