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Former Vice President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that Senator Kamala Harris will serve as his running mate in the 2020 election.

Biden, prone to verbal gaffes and suspected of suffering from dementia, used a script during his virtual call to Harris in which he formally asked her to serve as his running mate.

(Photo: Biden/Instagram)

A photo posted on his account shows the former VP speaking on a laptop with the California senator as he holds up his iPhone with its speaker facing the computer, “suggesting someone else was on their call,” the Daily Mail reported.

Harris, chosen primarily for her race and gender, accepted the position as Biden’s running mate despite saying in April of 2019  that she believed women who accused Biden of inappropriate touching.

“I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Harris told reporters in April 2019.

The Chicks weighed in on Biden’s choice of running mate Wednesday morning. Click below to listen!