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(Screen Capture: InfoWars)

Just last week, social media giant, “der Facebook” banned several “controversial” political and media figures from its platform for posting “extremist” and “violent” and “not nice” content.  

The list of individuals who were banned included several persons who called for violence against Covington Catholic students, accounts that promote anti-Semitic language and views (“Paging Rep. Ilhan Omar”), and any and all persons who have called for violence against conservatives and Trump supporters.

Just kidding. Here’s who was actually banned:

Conservatives Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Joseph Watson, who works for InfoWars; white supremacist Paul Nehlen, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2016 and 2018; and Alex Jones’ media company, Infowars.

Facebook also banned Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, because you gotta ban at least ONE nut on the left to even things out. Otherwise, people will think you’re just out to shut down conservatives. Sorry Louis Farrakhan. Somebody had to take one for the team, buddy!

Of all the conservatives on the ‘banned’ list, 25-year-old Laura Loomer is taking it the hardest. In fact, she’s losing her mind.  

Loomer expressed her outrage during an appearance on Alex Jones radio show last week.

WIBC hosts the Chicks on the Right – no strangers to Facebook’s censorship – have the full audio and some legitimate words of encouragement and understanding for Ms. Loomer in the clip below.