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Fact: Joe Biden is running for President.

Fact: Joe Biden is occasionally aware that he’s running for President, but not often.

Fact: Joe Biden celebrates the artistic merits of sniffing, squeezing, and canoodling of the ladies against their will – especially children.

Fact: Joe Biden is very big on putting his hands on strangers in an authoritative manner while simultaneously telling them to “vote for someone else.”

Fact: Joe Biden is one of only a handful of Americans capable of touching Hillary Clinton without being instantly turned to stone.


Fact: Joe Biden may or may not be under the impression that he is an evangelical pastor who is capable of healing the crippled.

Fact: Joe Biden has hair legs

Fact: Robin Williams outed Joe Biden as USDA certified “bat crap” more than 10 years ago.

Fact: The following segment from the Chicks on the Right is the finest presentation of audio delights you shall consume in the next five minutes. CLICK IT NOW!!