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Flatus Expulsion 101: An Exciting and Instructive E-Learning Experience on The Wonderous Functions of the Human Body.

‘Flatulence’ is defined in medical literature as “flatus expelled through the anus” or the “quality or state of being flatulent,” which is defined in turn as “marked by or affected with gases generated in the intestine or stomach; likely to cause digestive flatulence,” according to credible researchers at Wikipedia.

The root of these words is from the Latin flatus – “a blowing, a breaking wind.” Flatus is also the medical word for gas generated in the stomach or bowels.

The scientific study of this area of medicine is termed flatology.

Pro Tip: When flatus is excessive or malodorous, it can be a sign of a health disorder, such as irritable bowel syndromeceliac disease or lactose intolerance. You should have your flatus properly examined by a medical professional at least once per year.

Urgent: Inhaling another person’s flatulence, while unpleasant, was previously considered by the American Medical Association to be completely safe and totally harmless to your health. New research, however, indicates that the COVID-19 virus could be spread by via flatus released from an infected person.

Bottom Line: Wear a mask to protect against COVID-19 AND COVID-carrying flatus – at least until this pandemic is under control.

Fact: The average healthy individual expels flatus between five to 25 times per day.

Few individuals, however, choose to expel flatus while wearing a lapel microphone and participating in a Livestream broadcast.

Yes, but former Vice President Joe Biden is no ordinary man. His loss of inhibition in recent years has prompted him to regularly berate private American citizens, challenge protestors to push-up contests, and now, apparently, float air biscuits while playing ‘make-believe’ President in his basement.


Did he or didn’t he? The Chicks on the Right examine the evidence in the clip below.

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