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First things first: Former Vice President Joe Biden is losing his mental faculties.

Second things second: It’s not his fault. He’s a very nice man.

Third things third: He should never be President – NOT EVER! Not under ANY circumstance!

Rolling on…

The 2020 Democrat front-runner pulled out the family’s camcorder this week and started doing press tours from his basement.

As expected, Joe’s press tour has been an epic disaster. But God willing, it will continue – long after befuddled Biden is defeated in November.

Press Hit 1: In Which Joe Finds Out Trump’s Approval Numbers are Rising

Press Hit 2: In Which Biden’s Teleprompter Betrays Him

Press Hit 3: In Which Joe Biden Can’t Stop Touching His Face

Press Hit 4: In Which Joe Confuses Problems and Cures

Press Hit #5: In Which Joe Gets Schooled on The Proper Way to Cough

A HEARTFELT PLEA TO JILL BIDEN: Please Jill, strap a GoPro on the man and livestream it 24/7. In these uncertain and challenging times, America desperately needs to enjoy Joe talking with squirrels and sniffing the hair on display mannequins.

Also, enjoy this segment from the Chicks on the Right.

Photo: Mandel Ngan/Getty Images