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Fabulous news for one and all, beloved vaccine enthusiasts!

A “real-world study” conducted by your trustworthy friends at the CDC confirms that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are anywhere from 80-90% effective when administered properly by a medical professional.

How do you know if the person administrating your vaccine is a professional?

If your shot-giver operates out of the back of a hair salon and also offers discount breast enhancement as one of their services, you’re probably going to experience side effects the next day.

The study was released Monday in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, a quality publication created by the very people attempting to coerce you to get shot up: the CDC. In other words, don’t worry about any hidden political agenda affecting the outcome of this study. It’s true blue trustworthy stuff. That’s the Fauci guarantee!

Come on, would this face lie to you?

Personally, we don’t trust anything that hasn’t been extensively tested on chimps, but we’re getting the damn shot anyway.

Ah, but what if you received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine? The downside is you’re more likely to catch COVID. The upside is you’ll only have to go to the vaccine site once, so you’ll save on fuel, which is increasingly unaffordable under a Harris/Biden administration.

Hammer and Nigel cover the study’s “findings” in the clip below, which has been properly sanitized for your safety and certified “CDC safe” for clicking.