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(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Indiana Senator Todd Young was recently ranked the 9th most bipartisan member of the U.S. Senate,  and WIBC hosts Hammer and ‘Fake Nigel’ put that ranking to the test during an exclusive in-studio interview Monday by asking the Senator some of the toughest questions of his career:


“We just had a little Van Halen conversation with the Senator prior to going on the air. Senator, are you a Van Halen or Van Haggar guy?

Senator Young:

“Well, I’d have to say that David Lee Roth was the most entertaining of them all, but I’m not sure they did their best music during that time, but gosh was he entertaining.”

Celebrity Nigel Impersonator:

“You really ARE the most bi-partisan Senator; you don’t even want to risk offending either faction of Van Halen fans!”

Senator Young:

“Gotta keep the coalition together, man.”

See? Proof positive that Senator Todd Young is a man who wants to get along when he can. Fortunately for Indiana Republicans, however, Senator Young isn’t afraid to take a hardline stance when it counts.

Senator Young talks mid-term elections, Braun versus Donnelly, and his guess on the identity of the individual who penned the ‘anonymous’ New York Times op-ed in the following interview. Plus, are there really M&Ms with the Presidential seal on Air Force One?