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This is the time of year you may look out on your lawn and see taller thicker patches of grass that don’t match the rest of the yard.

Nut grass is a perennial grass weed that’s notoriously hard to get rid of. If you’re not careful in how you get rid of it, nut grass or commonly known as nutsedge can spread rapidly.

Nutsedge has bright yellow-green leaves, grows very quickly, and produces spiky yellow-brown flower clusters. You can be sure the grass weed is nutsedge by the stem. Feel the blade between your fingers, you’ll be able to feel the edges of the triangular stem.

More details on identifying the weed here

Through the years, nutsedge has been particularly hard to get rid of due to it’s deep root system that can reach 8-14 inches underground. Luckily, within the last few years ORTHO along with other weed killer brands have come up with Selective Nutsedge Killer that will directly target the weed.

Whatever you do, DON’T PICK IT. You might be tempted to pull it out of the ground, especially if it’s just a few spots. However, nutsedge has little nutlets on the ends of the roots and once you pick the weed out of the ground those nuts will spread and cause more of a nuisance in the coming weeks.

When it comes to applying the selective killer, Pat and Denny say to be sure it’s not too hot out or really you’re just wasting the product.

Denny: “I would watch the temperature (on days you apply the selective.) If it’s too hot the leaves won’t take it up. If you do it, make sure it’s when the weather is at 60-80 degrees.”

Pat: “And that’s true of not just nutsedge killer, but all weed killers. You want to catch the weeds when they are actively growing.”

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