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“We had joy, we had fun.

We had seasons in the sun.

But the hills that we climbed

Were just seasons out of time…”

Bad news, loyal listeners. The world-famous Mock n’ Rob Show is in trouble…

Yes, what began as a joyous journey of exploration into the most critical issues of our time is potentially coming to a sudden and abrupt end.

Everything was fine! We were having a perfectly lovely time together!

And then, this guy came along…

Grumpy Senior Man sitting on a comfy chair with a cushion behind him and an old lamp beside him, in Queensland, Australia

We don’t know his name, but we know he means business.

This gentleman (we’ll call him “Secret Agent Man of Advanced Age”) thinks our show is bad for America, and he decided to do something about it!

“Secret Agent Man of Advanced Age” crawled into his attic, pulled out an early 70s cassette recorder, a vintage set of Maxell XLII 90 high bias, low distortion tapes, and began recording our show on a daily basis. Then he got himself a second cassette recorder off eBay, borrowed the RCA cables from his neighbor’s VCR, and got to work.

“Secret Agent Man of Advanced Age” began making multiple copies of our program’s most egregious infractions. He might have arthritis in his hands, but he can still hit ‘record’ and ‘play’ simultaneously with the best of them.

Then, “Secret Agent Man of Advanced Age” mailed those edited audio cassettes of the Mock n’ Rob Show to multiple government agencies, including the FBI, the FCC, and the FDA. If they are a government organization that starts with the letter “F,” they got a tape.

There was a minor delay when the packages were returned for insufficient postage, but the matter was apparently rectified.

“Secret Agent Man of Advanced Age” then returned his neighbor’s RCA cables because he wanted to watch his season 1 collector’s edition of “Matlock.”

Now we wait. We wait for the FBI, the FCC, and the FDA to locate a working cassette player and review the tapes. That could take a while, but this is definitely a priority case for them.

So what did we say that set “Secret Agent Man of Advanced Age” off? Click below to hear his ominous voicemail for yourself in today’s edition of Speedround.

End of message.