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(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

President Donald Trump said on Monday he was worried that any statements under oath he provides to Special Counsel Robert Mueller could be used to bring perjury charges against him as part of the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.

From Reuters:

In an interview with Reuters, Trump echoed the concerns of his top lawyer in the probe, Rudy Giuliani, who has warned that any sit-down with Mueller could be a “perjury trap.”

The president expressed fears that investigators could compare his statements with that of others who have testified in the probe, such as former FBI Director James Comey, and that any discrepancies could be used against him.

“So if I say something and he (Comey) says something, and it’s my word against his, and he’s best friends with Mueller, so Mueller might say: ‘Well, I believe Comey,’ and even if I’m telling the truth, that makes me a liar. That’s no good.”

WIBC host Tony Katz commented on the President’s statements Monday:

“Any lawyer that lets Trump speak to Mueller in any way should be disbarred. Can you be disbarred for being stupid? Because you would have to be completely deluded.

…Of course it’s a perjury trap. Of course it is, and we’ve known that.”

Click the link below to hear Tony’s comments in full: