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When it comes conversations at work, there are certain topics that are off-limits:

  • Donald Trump
  • The 2020 Election
  • Blue Lives Matter
  • All Lives Matter

Of course, that list is just for people who work at Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.

Then there are certain topics, conversations, and language that will get you fired from almost ANY place of employment:

  • Racist language and/or jokes
  • Sexual harassment
  • That certain co-worker on the 4th floor of the Emmis building whose daily bowel movements make the restroom uninhabitable for a minimum of three hours (That’s right! We know who you are and we celebrate the days when you’re out sick)

WIBC host Tony Katz, however, is not afraid of so-called ‘uncomfortable conversations’ – even if they cost him his job as a beloved broadcaster in the city of Indianapolis.


“What I have decided about uncomfortable conversations is that I am all in. I’m all in to discuss what it is to have a line of thinking that allows you to engage properly. 

“Some people will say that what we are about to get into is just out of your mind crazy – especially for a radio host. I refuse to be afraid. If it costs me my job, so be it.”

Please note, however, that as a digital contributor to the WIBC website, I’m paid a much less substantial wage than Mr. Katz. In other words, I need my job and I’m not going down for anybody but Jesus.

If you want to hear what ‘Uncomfortable Conversations’ Tony had on his show today, you’ll have to click the link below.