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STATEWIDE–Gas prices have been going down slightly in Indiana over the last few days, but that trend is not expected to last long.

Last Thursday, GasBuddy said the statewide average was $4.62. As of Tuesday, it was $4.59.

“While the coast isn’t clear yet, and prices will be at their highest Memorial Day level ever, I’m hopeful that we could avoid a dreaded national average of $5 per gallon this year. Whether or not we’re able to, depends on Americans cutting demand in the face of sky-high prices,” said Patrick DeHaan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.

Trilby Lundberg, an oil and gas analyst with the Lundberg Survey, agrees with DeHaan.

“If crude oil prices did jump and that jump was about $10, that could bring us another price hike anywhere from $23 to $25 per gallon. Although there might be a pause of some sort briefly, we may be seeing similar price hikes later this summer,” said Lundberg.

DeHaan also issued this recommendation Tuesday morning on Twitter.

“Long term, the nation’s gasoline rules should be optimized for 1 nationwide standard year-round. There’s fragmentation right now between cities and states, which can create hotspots and bottlenecks. Pols (politicians) should declutter these regs (regulations) & go to one nationwide year-round standard,” said DeHaan.

The average in Fort Wayne and Indianapolis is $4.56. It is $4.40 in Evansville.