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WASHINGTON, D.C.–You’ve been hearing for nearly ten years about how veterans have suffered because of long wait times for treatment at VAs all over the United States. One of the solutions being mandated by Congress is the Electronic Health Record Modernization.

Rep. Frank Mrvan (D), who represents northwest Indiana, is the chairman of the House Subcommittee on Technology Modernization. He’s concerned that the project is taking too long.

“This has major impacts on wait times, and veterans access to care as well as their health and well-being,” he said during a Thursday hearing.

A new medical records system is being tried out at the Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center, in Spokane, Wash. But, the program is already on its second pause. A special team has been put together to find out why the staff at the hospital is having issues.

“The subcommittee has been consistent in its message that VA needs to get the program right, rather than adhere to any artificial deadlines,” said Mrvan. “While we understand that this delay is part of getting it right, at some point we can’t accept continued delay without a complete explanation from the VA on what the problems and solutions are.”

Mrvan said the pause has been necessitated by concerns about the program, and added that he has his own concerns about the long-term plan.

“I reiterate the subcommittee’s previous calls for complete transparency and accountability. We owe it not only to the veterans who have earned these benefits, but to the taxpayers who are funding this program.”

Mrvan said training is one of the issues.