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WASHINGTON, D.C.–Former Trump adviser Roger Stone, who’s charged with lying to Congress about interactions with Wikileaks, said he believes both Pres. Trump and Vice Pres. Mike Pence will be charged in what he called a “hoped-up frame of Russian collusion”.

Stone told Fox’s Sean Hannity that he’s being silenced because he supports Donald Trump.

“Look, I honestly believe that they are gonna try to charge the president and the vice president with some hoped-up frame of Russian collusion,” said Stone, Monday night. “That way they could make Nancy Pelosi president. She could make Hillary Clinton vice president, and then step aside. It’s a nightmare. But, I think that’s what they have in mind.”

Stone offered no reason that Pence would be charged, other than his theory.

“There is no Russian collusion. I have no collaboration with WikiLeaks. I’m not charged with conspiracy. Believe me, if they could’ve made that case, they would’ve.”

Stone said he believes his arrest is an attempt to criminalize legitimate political inquiry and free speech.

PHOTO: Getty Images/Bill Clark