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The NHL’s Carolina Hurricanes needed an emergency goalie on Saturday, so they brought in the Zamboni driver at the arena, David Ayres. He actually helped them win 6-3…becoming the first emergency goalie to get a win in modern NHL history.

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson has a mental conditioning coach who advises him to avoid listening to country because “it’s so negative”.

Members of a college cross country team near Albany, New York really wanted Chick-fil-A, and the closest one they could drive to was 90 minutes away. Then they realized a nearby airport had one. So the captain of the team bought the cheapest plane ticket he could get for under $100…went through security and ordered for 18 people. They got 15 sandwiches, 15 large fries, 156 chicken nuggets, one bag of cookies, and a lemonade. Their final bill was just over $227.

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